I help busy women develop a simple nutrition and lifestyle plan to create optimal health so that they have the energy focus on the things that matter most.


You've spent the better part of your adult life seeking out the "perfect" diet.  I’ve been you…

I spent years obsessing about my body, weight, and exercise.  I thought that if I could figure out the right sequence of tips and tricks I would somehow be "fixed".

That gets to stop NOW.

I didn’t want my kids to grow up with a mom who was insecure, body-image obsessed, and a poor example of health.

My family deserves the best of me, and I’m able to give that to them because I’m coming from a place of overflow instead of running on fumes.

The habits, rhythms, and routines that I have with my health & wellness give me the energy and confidence to focus on the things that matter most: my faith, family, and being able to carry out what the Lord sets before me each day.

Discovering life outside of that never ending quest for perfection has given me a freedom I never thought would be possible!

You CAN make healthy changes that dramatically improve your life.  You CAN find the right type of exercise that fits into your schedule and you really enjoy.  You CAN learn to cook healthy food that actually tastes good. And you most definitely CAN make peace with your body.

I want to empower you to not feel chained to the scale, to love the body you have, and to embrace the opportunity you have to create the life you desire.

How different would your life be if you woke up each morning feeling energized and well-rested?  What if you didn't have sugar cravings or a 3pm crash? You don't have to feel self-conscious about the muffin top peeking over your jeans.

Most people don't know where to start, I certainly didn't! That's where having a coach can make all the difference.


