An Easy, Festive Side Dish

Delicata squash is new to me! I have to really get outside my comfort zone to try new foods but I was intrigued by delicata squash because the cashier at Trader Joe’s informed me that the skin was edible – all I heard was, "one less step to prep and eat!" I am instantly on board with any recipe that seems quick and easy. 
Cinnamon, cumin and garlic are one of my favorite spice combinations. I use these spices often on sweet potatoes and butternut squash. Garlic is great for the immune system so I try to incorporate it as much as I can during the winter months. 

2 delicata squash 

2 tbsp. coconut oil 

½ tsp sea salt 

½ tsp cinnamon 

½ tsp minced garlic 

¼ tsp cumin 


Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. 

Start by cleaning the delicata squash under warm water with a scrub brush to make sure all the dirt is removed. You’re eating the skin, so you want it to be clean. 

Dry the squash so your hands don’t slip while you’re trying to slice it. (Ask me how I know this, lol.) 

Cut the delicata in half lengthwise. If you’ve ever sliced a spaghetti squash, this is the moment you are thanking the heavens above for creating this wonderful vegetable that is so easy to slice open! 

Gently scrape out the seeds. You can toss them in the trash or dry and roast them like pumpkin seeds. 

Cut each delicata into ½ inch segments. They will look like half-moon pieces. Place in a large bowl. 

In a small bowl, melt your coconut oil and then mix in the spices and garlic. 

Pour the coconut oil mixture over the delicata squash slices and gently mix until all the squash pieces are coated. 

Arrange the squash pieces in a single layer on a metal baking sheet. 

Place in the oven for 15 minutes. Use a spatula to flip the delicata pieces and place back in the oven for another 10-15 minutes. 

Keep an eye on the squash and remove when the edges turn golden brown and begin to caramelize. This should take no more than 25-30 minutes. 

Serve as a side dish with your favorite protein. Enjoy!