My New Favorite Superfood- Hemp Seeds!

A couple weeks ago I was unpacking my Instacart groceries and noticed a few extra items I hadn't ordered. One of those I was really excited about, hemp hearts! Also known as hemp seeds, they are one of my favorite superfoods.

Hemp hearts are the seeds of the hemp plant, or Cannabis sativa. Yup, Cannibas! Marijuana does come from the same plant, however hemp hearts only contain a trace amount of THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, and they will not get you high. You have nothing to worry about! Hemp seeds are safe and very healthy to eat.

One of the reasons I love hemp hearts is they have an excellent 3:1 ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids which can reduce inflammation and promote cardiovascular health.

They’re also high in GLA, an essential omega-6 fatty acid that is necessary for proper hormone health. Many women suffering from PMS symptoms have reported that consuming hemp hearts has helped lessen their symptoms!

Hemp is often referred to as a “perfect protein” because it contains all 20 amino acids as well as the nine essential amino acids that we have to get from food. Amino acids are the building blocks of our cells –super important for good health!

Hemp hearts are also great for weight loss and digestive health because they are high in insoluble and soluble fiber. They help feed the probiotics in your gut that can boost your immune system and keep you pooping like a pro. Fiber promotes satiety and tells your brain that you are full!

There is a study from the University of Michigan that found that hemp is a natural appetite suppressant and consuming it in the morning can actually help you battle sugar cravings and hunger all day long.

I love to add hemp hearts to just about anything! They have a slightly nuttytaste, similar to a sunflower seed. One of my favorite protein powders to recommend is an organic hemp protein, like this one by Nutiva. You can also add a tablespoon or two to your regular morning smoothie. I love sprinkling them on top when I eat my smoothie in a bowl with a spoon!

Hemp hearts can be added to cereal, oatmeal, salads, yogurt and baked goods. I sprinkle it on top of avocado toast or dips like guacamole and hummus. I toss a handful on my lettuce-wrap or coconut-wrap sandwiches. They make a great addition to homemade protein balls or fat bombs. There are so many easy ways to add them to your diet!

This is the brand I buy and give to my clients. If you're looking for some recipe inspiration, check out the Manitoba Harvest website. Wow, I am seriously drooling looking at all of these yummy ways to eat hemp hearts!

I'm going to highlight more of my favorite super foods over the next few weeks, stay tuned! Hope you're enjoying your summer :)
