How to Develop New Positive Habits and Changes In Your Life

“He who has a why can endure any how.” – Frederick Nietzsche

I recently talked about the pushback we feel when we start to develop new habits and make positive changes. I want you to remember two things:

1) This resistance is totally normal.

2) It’s actually a good sign! Long-lasting, life-changing habits are difficult to implement and your brain and body are going to fight you as you forge those new paths. 

As a mom of three there is a question I have been asked hundreds and hundreds of times, “Why?”

If you have kids or have ever spent time around them, you know what I’m talking about. As much as the constant “why’s” drive me absolutely crazy (please… go ask your father!), I find it fascinating that kids intuitively know that the “why” is the most important piece of the story.

When it comes to making changes to become your healthiest self, the motive behind the action is the most important factor to staying committed to your goals. What separates those who succeed from those who fail is how deeply they are connected to their “why”.

So, what is truly driving you to make changes and pursue better health?
When I have clients fill out intake forms I always ask the question, “Why are you seeking nutritional counseling?” Most of the time I get back generic answers like, “I want to be healthier” or “I want to lose 20 pounds” – truthful answers of course, but I like to dig deeper.

Once I can get a client to truly connect to their “why” they become deeply devoted to the process of reaching their goals. Your why is connected to your core principles, and making that correlation will keep you motivated when things aren’t quite so easy.
Take a moment to ask yourself WHY you are trying to achieve a particular goal (losing weight, getting your blood sugar numbers under control, ditching your maternity clothes, weekly meal planning). Why is this goal really important to you?

Write down your answer on a piece of paper and then ask yourself “why?” again. Dig even deeper! Get in touch with that deep sense of motivation. It should stir some emotion in you!

When you are connected to your WHY it’s easy to pass on the donuts at church, and it’s easy to keep your after-work appointment at the gym. When you attach meaning to your goals you are sure to reach them! Place that piece of paper somewhere you can see it every day to keep your why in the forefront of your mind.

That “why” is an important part of reaching your goals. I’m cheering for you!

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