
The First Time I Felt Shameful About My Body

I can vividly remember the first time I was self-conscious about my body. I was in third or fourth grade and my parents had dropped us off for a swim night at the racquetball club down the street. It was one of those events where the kids played games, went for a refreshing night swim, and then filled our bellies with pizza and popcorn while watching a movie.

A Peek Into My Health Journey

I've had some recent growth on my newsletter list and it occurred to me that many of you have no idea what my health journey has been about. Today, I want to take a moment to give you a peek into my past.

There's a tendency in the health and fitness world (I too am guilty of this!) to assume that because someone appears to be healthy and fit that 1) they must have been born like that and 2) that it must come easy to them. My personal story defies both of those myths!

Healthy and Realistic New Years Resolutions- That Have Nothing To Do With Dieting

I'm feeling a little rant-y this morning after a full week of seeing the classic weight loss program advertisements around every corner AND watching good people fall victim to them every single year. It's not that I have a problem with people wanting to re-invent themselves in a new year. Heck, I specialize in helping busy women lose weight and create a body they love. But, there's something about these one-size-fits-all, quick fix promises, that makes me feel icky. Icky and angry.

The Planner I Buy Every Year

For the last four years I have asked my husband for a very specific planner for Christmas. I’d always had high hopes for daily journaling and keeping track of my goals and dreams, but every year I would start and stop several times, accumulating a pile of pretty-looking notebooks that collected dust on my nightstand.

Nutritionists' Tips For Staying On Track During The Holidays

It’s THAT time of year again.

Every October I send an email with this same message, and every January I talk to women who look back at this EXACT week and say, “Halloween week is when I started to go downhill.”

I want you to enjoy the holidays to the fullest, but I also want you to feel good about the decisions you make to mindfully enjoy instead of being filled with regret and looking back a feeling of, “it wasn’t worth it”.

So here’s my #1 tip for staying on track with healthy eating during the holidays. If you do just this ONE thing you will set yourself up to avoid end-of-the-year weight gain, prevent energy crashes during the time when your schedule is the most packed, all while not feeling deprived or deeming certain foods "off limits".

3-day planner or 7-day planner? I give you permission to choose!

Last week we reviewed what needs to be on your plate at every meal, and now I have a little homework assignment for you that may feel like a breath of fresh air.

Sometimes we get caught up thinking meal planning can only be done ONE way, but the truth is there is no one “right” way to meal plan. The important thing is coming up with a system that works for you.