Healthy and Realistic New Years Resolutions- That Have Nothing To Do With Dieting

I'm feeling a little rant-y this morning after a full week of seeing the classic weight loss program advertisements around every corner AND watching good people fall victim to them every single year. It's not that I have a problem with people wanting to re-invent themselves in a new year. Heck, I specialize in helping busy women lose weight and create a body they love. But, there's something about these one-size-fits-all, quick fix promises, that makes me feel icky. Icky and angry.

I've spent a few days thinking about where these feelings are coming from. It's probably normal to resent the media for making women feel that if they don't look *one* certain way, they are flawed.  It's also normal to be annoyed with the crazy promises of losing "10 pounds a week" when we all know how unrealistic (and unsafe!) that is. But to feel so icky and angry... those feelings must be coming from something deeper. I want to get a bit vulnerable with you here and share part of my story.

You may or may not know that the body I comfortably live in now is 40 pounds lighter than where I spent the majority of my life.  When I look back to my teenage years through my mid-20's I can recall year after year hoping, and PRAYING, that this was going to be *the* year I finally lost weight. And because so much of my value and worth was tied into how much I weighed and what my body looked like, each year I was filled with hope that I would be more valuable and worthier.

But we all know how most New Year’s resolutions go, right? When your resolution is a hope and a prayer instead of a realistic plan, it ends in failure. And since my worth and value was tied in a hope and dream that was destined for failure, I too felt like a failure. Year after year. It's no wonder these New Year’s weight loss commercials bring up feelings of anger and resentment!

Honestly, I think that's one of the reasons why I deeply love what I do now. This week has been filled with joy as I've sat down with new clients to explore their true values and priorities and craft a personalized plan to help them actually succeed. And while I wish I could individually coach every single one of you, I want to leave you with a few action steps that you can implement TODAY to build better habits in 2022.

There is always a time and a place for a strict program or protocol, but if you're looking to ease into healthier habits this year, have more energy, and perhaps lose a few holidays pounds, try these five things next week:

1. Start your day with a cup of warm lemon water. The bottom line is that you need to rehydrate after a night of sleep. Warm lemon water is a gentle way to detox, get your digestive system going, and is a great source of vitamin C for immune health.

2. Walk 7500 steps a day, minimum. Whether or not you have big aspirations in the gym this year, consistent movement throughout the day is one of the best things you can do for your overall health. Humans are designed to move! You will feel better if you do, I promise.

3. Choose ONE healthy food to add to your diet every day. Picking one food to work on is less intimidating than trying to overhaul everything! Try starting with one serving of leafy greens every day. This could be spinach in your eggs, a salad with lunch, or some sautéed kale with dinner. Or eat a bite of probiotic-rich sauerkraut every day. Maybe you just need to commit to taking your multivitamin every day. Pick ONE thing and add that every day. The win will feel good!

4. Pick ONE thing to give up this week. Not everyone has success trying to drop gluten, grains, dairy, soy, refined sugar and processed food all in one swoop. Choose one thing in your diet that you know doesn't belong there and give that up, just for a week. It could be those lingering holiday Hershey kisses or your evening glass of red wine. Just pick one.

5. Start your day with a positive thought. I'm not asking you to spend five minutes journaling or meditating, just to start your day with an affirmation. I have my phone alarm set to say, "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." to remind me to begin my day with gratitude. One of my favorite authors starts her day by saying, "Something fantastic and amazing is going to happen today". If you're not really conscious until you stumble to the bathroom, put a sticky note on your mirror to remind you that you are unique and amazing and are destined to do great things.

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