New Years Goals

Healthy and Realistic New Years Resolutions- That Have Nothing To Do With Dieting

I'm feeling a little rant-y this morning after a full week of seeing the classic weight loss program advertisements around every corner AND watching good people fall victim to them every single year. It's not that I have a problem with people wanting to re-invent themselves in a new year. Heck, I specialize in helping busy women lose weight and create a body they love. But, there's something about these one-size-fits-all, quick fix promises, that makes me feel icky. Icky and angry.

The Planner I Buy Every Year

For the last four years I have asked my husband for a very specific planner for Christmas. I’d always had high hopes for daily journaling and keeping track of my goals and dreams, but every year I would start and stop several times, accumulating a pile of pretty-looking notebooks that collected dust on my nightstand.