Why and How You Should Invest In Your Health

I want to share with you an analogy I heard recently that really resonated with me and completely shifted the way I look at how I invest in my health. If you have struggled to make your health a top priority in your life, I think this may be really helpful for you. 

We all have auto insurance, right? We have it for big emergencies and unexpected accidents. We don't expect our auto insurance to pay for upkeep and maintenance on our vehicles, yet we understand that upkeep and maintenance is important for the longevity and health of our car. 

We all know that we need to get our oil changed, have the tires rotated, and regularly fill our car with gas in order to keep it in tip-top condition. Have you ever complained that your auto insurance doesn't pay to maintain your vehicle? Of course not! 

We all have insurance in case of an emergency, but we don't think twice about investing in the upkeep of our cars. If you want your car to be reliable and last for a long time, you are financially dedicated to keeping it in top condition, right? What about your HEALTH, the most important asset in your life? Do you balk at spending money on your health that is outside of your health insurance coverage?

I can raise my hand and personally claim to be guilty of this! We look for our medical insurance to pay for anything related to our health and don't want to INVEST in ourselves, our most important resource. Our family budgets for health maintenance, such as chiropractic and acupuncture. I usually say, "You either pay now, or you pay later" when I'm asked about spending money on some of these preventative strategies, or even organic food and high-quality supplements. Having good health is everything. Notice, I didn't say that having a bikini body is everything, or having 15% body fat is everything. Truly being healthy, waking up each day with energy, being physically capable of loving and serving and showing up to contribute to the things you are passionate about, that's the key to it all. 

No matter how much money you have, if you don't have your health, you are broke As you begin 2022, how are you going to invest in your health? I want to challenge you, as I'm challenging myself, to look at yourself as your greatest investment. I want my body to be in top condition for a long, long time. I want to be able to keep up with my kids, serve in organizations I'm passionate about, and feel physically capable to handle whatever life throws at me. I want to give from overflow, not from a place of exhaustion. What will this look like for you? Maybe it's time to invest in that gym membership or some good-quality supplements. Perhaps you could budget for some extra self-care, such as chiropractic treatments or a monthly massage. This could be the year you hire a nutrition coach for help. Don't wear your exhaustion and self-sacrifice as a badge of honor. Invest in YOU for the long haul! It is your responsibility to take care of yourself first: physically, mentally and spiritually. Next week I kick off my 12-week program, the Thrive Coaching Collective. If you are ready to invest in your health and want me as your coach, I would love to have you join. CLICK HERE to schedule an application call. 

My hope and prayer is that 2022 is a year of great health for us all!