Nutritionists' Tips For Staying On Track During The Holidays

It’s THAT time of year again. 

Every October I send an email with this same message, and every January I talk to women who look back at this EXACT week and say, “Halloween week is when I started to go downhill.” 

I want you to enjoy the holidays to the fullest, but I also want you to feel good about the decisions you make to mindfully enjoy instead of being filled with regret and looking back a feeling of, “it wasn’t worth it”. 

So here’s my #1 tip for staying on track with healthy eating during the holidays. If you do just this ONE thing you will set yourself up to avoid end-of-the-year weight gain, prevent energy crashes during the time when your schedule is the most packed, all while not feeling deprived or deeming certain foods "off limits". 
My top tip for you today is to have a sweet free breakfast. Yup, we are just focusing on the first third of your day. I want you to commit from now until the end of the year to keep the sweets out of breakfast. Trust me on this one, your waistline will thank me! 
Breakfast sets the metabolic tone for your day. If you begin your day with a sweets (and the resulting surge of insulin) you will find yourself batting energy crashes and sweet cravings all day long. At this time of year there are sweets at every turn, so relying on willpower isn't a sustainable strategy. 
Committing to keep the sweets out of the first third of your day isn't swearing off holiday treats all together, it's just making the choice to have them later. Beginning your day with a savory breakfast full of healthy fats, protein & fiber will keep blood sugar levels balanced. This results in not only better energy for you, but a more positive mood, clearer thinking, and better decision making around food all day long. 
What does a "sweet free breakfast" look like? I'm glad you asked! Here are some examples: 

  • Eggs & veggies of all varieties: frittatas, omelets, & scrambles. Top with avocado and some of your favorite seasonings or wrap up that yumminess in a Siete Foods grain free tortilla. There are a million egg + veggie variations! 


  • Almond or coconut milk yogurt parfaits.Add some protein powder (pea protein or vital proteins collagen) and mix up chopped nuts, chia seeds, and a sprinkle of cinnamon. Try adding a scoop of pumpkin puree and crushed pecans for a pie-inspired parfait - so good. 


  • Fruit-free smoothies.I've got 8 fruit-free smoothies in my  Build a Brilliant Smoothie  guide, but my old standby is unsweetened almond milk, chocolate protein powder, flax seed, organic peanut butter, a handful of spinach and ice. It tastes like a peanut butter cup! If you must add fruit to your smoothie stick with berries and keep your serving to ½ cup. 

Also, I have four-weeks of healthy breakfast recipes in my Fall + Winter Meal Plan if you need some more ideas, as well as lunch, dinner, snacks, fancy beverages & more! 
This is a good time of year to pull the sweetener out of your coffee, ditch the sugar-filled granola bars, and keep an eye out for hidden sweeteners in "health foods" like yogurt & granola. 
The ripple-effect of cleaning up just 1/3 of your day is pretty amazing! You'll find it's easier to make healthy food decisions all day long as a result of less cravings and clearer thinking, as opposed to jumping from one sweet craving to another, or being grumpy about your lack of energy. 
Can you commit to keeping it clean for the first third of your day? What's your favorite sweet free breakfast? Hit reply to this email and let me know. 

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