Meal Planning

Three Recipes Using Meal Prepped Salmon

One of the lessons I continue to drive home with my clients is that you do not have to be too busy to create a body you love! Busy-ness is an obstacle that we can strategize, not an excuse to eat poorly and feel like crap. (I'm also not afraid to give my clients some tough love!)

On that note, today's email is going to give you three meals to use with pre-cooked salmon. You can cook one batch of salmon and use it three different times throughout the week, saving you time so you can live your life.

3-day planner or 7-day planner? I give you permission to choose!

Last week we reviewed what needs to be on your plate at every meal, and now I have a little homework assignment for you that may feel like a breath of fresh air.

Sometimes we get caught up thinking meal planning can only be done ONE way, but the truth is there is no one “right” way to meal plan. The important thing is coming up with a system that works for you.

Meal Prepping To Meet Your Goals!

I'm back again this week with more of my tried-and-true meal prepping tips! I'm so passionate about meal planning & prepping because I've seen both personally and with my clients how essential it is to have a plan if you want to execute healthy eating on a consistent basis.