meal prep

Three Recipes Using Meal Prepped Salmon

One of the lessons I continue to drive home with my clients is that you do not have to be too busy to create a body you love! Busy-ness is an obstacle that we can strategize, not an excuse to eat poorly and feel like crap. (I'm also not afraid to give my clients some tough love!)

On that note, today's email is going to give you three meals to use with pre-cooked salmon. You can cook one batch of salmon and use it three different times throughout the week, saving you time so you can live your life.

Three Simple Recipes With Made Ahead Ground Meat

Today I'm going to give you three recipes to use with ground meat. My favorite kind of ground meat is actually bison! I love bison because it's always grass-fed and contains a high amount of omega-3 fatty acids. It's rich in iron for cell development and vitamin E to keep your skin glowing. It's also jam packed with protein!

How I Easily Meal Prep- Cook Once, Eat Three Times

I sat down with a new client this week and she shared with me a common struggle that I hear from every woman I work with, "I know I need to eat healthier but I feel so busy. I end up making poor food choices because I'm in a rush. I need to take the time to meal prep but I don't know how to get started."

Ah, meal prep! It's so gratifying when we take the time to do it, yet it's a constant struggle to follow through on the plan each week. Even I struggle with this!