3-day planner or 7-day planner? I give you permission to choose!

Last week we reviewed what needs to be on your plate at every meal, and now I have a little homework assignment for you that may feel like a breath of fresh air.

Sometimes we get caught up thinking meal planning can only be done ONE way, but the truth is there is no one “right” way to meal plan. The important thing is coming up with a system that works for you.

Today’s assignment may give you some relief because I’m giving you permission to break the rules. I want you to decide which of these two categories you are in: 3-day prep gal, or 7-day prep gal.

3-day prep gal may be someone who:

- ​​​cringes at the thought of meal prep all together (but knows discipline in this area of her life would be beneficial)

- ​​travels a lot or has a schedule that varies and/or is unpredictable

- ​​has never meal prepped and feels intimidated by the process

- ​​totally does NOT do commitment - like, how can you ask me to decide on a Saturday to what I'm going to eat for dinner next Thursday?! (If you've ever thought this, YOU are a 3-day prep gal!)

7-day prep gal may be someone who:

- ​​does one big shop per week and doesn't venture back out to the grocery store in between

- has ​​a predictable, weekly schedule

- ​​finds peace of mind in knowing what the plan is for the entire week ahead

It’s ok to experiment with both methods, planning 3 days at a time or planning 7 days at a time. There is no "best" way, it's whatever is practical for your life!

​​I've seen clients resist and resist meal planning all together because they just couldn't handle planning 7 days at a time, but planning in 3-day chunks changed the game.

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Check out my free guides and resources for additional information. As always please feel free to contact me with any questions, I would love to chat!