Why You Should Avoid Gluten + What To Eat Instead

10 years ago most people couldn't tell you what gluten was, now almost everyone knows someone who has given it up temporarily or cut it out of their diet completely. I remember being positively baffled about the idea of giving up... gasp... BREAD?! How can one live without bread?? 
Get ready for the briefest explanation of gluten EVER, then we'll talk about how to live without it. 
What is gluten? It's a protein component found in wheat, barley and rye. Gluten acts as the "glue" that helps hold food together and maintain its shape. 
Why do I ask my clients to take a break from gluten in their diet? Simply put, gluten is very inflammatory. What’s on the store shelves right now isn’t the bread your great granny ate! Wheat has changed a LOT over the years, and what we eat today is much more difficult to digest. 

Even if you don't get a tummy ache after eating a sandwich, gluten sensitivity can often present as skin issues, fatigue, nutrient malabsorption, achy joints and muscles, "chicken skin" (red bumps on the back of your arm), headaches, hormonal imbalance, cavities (from nutrient malabsorption), auto immune disease, depression and anxiety, low immunity... do I have your attention yet? 
Even if you aren't "allergic" to gluten, it can be a challenge to battle the extra inflammation that comes from digesting it. When I work with clients, I want to remove any extra burden their body may be facing that prevents optimal health. 
Imagine your computer when you have 100 tabs open in your browser... things move a little slow, right? Close down the extra tabs and your productivity speeds right up. Remove the most inflammatory foods from your diet and your body can perform at its absolute best! This often results in feeling a heck of a lot better and an added bonus: weight loss! 

You may be thinking, "But gluten is in EVERYTHING!" 

When you first entertain the idea of cutting it out, it sure feels that way! I am very sympathetic to this drastic lifestyle change but I can assure you that there are TONS of things you can eat. I certainly don't go hungry. ;) 
One mistake I often see people make is to substitute their favorite nutrient-poor foods for "gluten-free" substitutes. They start eating gluten-free muffins, cookies, sandwiches on gluten-free bread, gluten-free cereal... you get the picture. 

A donut is STILL a donut, even if it's gluten free. So while I see the benefit of starting by making lateral shifts to gluten free versions of your favorite foods, what I really encourage is to substitute the foods you are eating for REAL food. (You know, like fruit and vegetables!) 
Here are some "#llwscorefour approved" (contain healthy fat, fiber, protein + color) meal ideas for transitioning away from gluten: 


Oatmeal with cinnamon, vanilla extract, chopped almonds and fresh berries. Serve with a side of chicken sausage for protein. (Check to make sure your oats are gluten-free... oats do not contain gluten but they are often harvested and processed with wheat. Just double-check your label!) 

Breakfast burrito with scrambled eggs, bell peppers, onions and guacamole in a rice tortilla wrap. 

Smoothie with unsweetened coconut milk, vegan protein powder, spinach, frozen strawberries and a scoop of organic peanut butter. 


Your favorite deli sandwich wrapped in lettuce instead of bread. My favorite is turkey, bacon, tomato and avocado! 

Big salad loaded with chicken, chickpeas, tomatoes, cucumber, pumpkin seeds and cilantro, dressed with olive oil and lemon juice. Don't forget to salt and pepper your salad, it's a simple step that makes a big difference! 

Baked sweet potato topped with ground beef (taco seasoning tastes great with this one!), tomatoes, green onions and guacamole. 


Fajita night without the tortillas. Enjoy the rice, beans, chicken or steak and veggies. You won't even miss the tortilla! 

Salmon bowl with cauliflower rice, steamed broccoli with grass-fed butter, chopped green onions and Coconut Aminos Teriyaki sauce (gluten and soy-free!). 

Bun-less hamburger wrapped in lettuce. At a lot of restaurants you can order your burger "protein-style". I like mine loaded up with grilled onion and tomatoes with a side of sweet potato fries! 

The best advice I can give you before attempting to remove gluten from your diet for a few weeks is to be prepared! Plan out your meals and write out what you're going to eat every day. Make your grocery lists and be sure that you have all the ingredients on hand. If you're going to eat out, check the menu online ahead of time and figure out the best gluten-free option. 
Also, don't forget to read food labels. You might be surprised to what where gluten hides! 
Removing gluten from your diet is an opportunity to add in something in its place that is nutrient-rich.  Think about adding more vegetables, gluten-free grains, beans, legumes, or fruit. 
Instead of spaghetti noodles, add spaghettis squash or spiraled zucchini noodles. Instead of adding breadcrumbs to your meatloaf, substitute for almond meal. Try making pancakes out of oatmeal instead of regular flour. Toss a handful of pumpkin seeds on your salad instead of croutons for crunch. Thinly slice a sweet potato and cook it in the toaster as a substitute for bread. You can get really creative and eat tons of delicious and healthy food without gluten! 

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