Healthy Swaps For Popular Sweeteners!

We are continuing our series about healthy swaps - upgrading some of your favorite foods for healthier versions. Today I'm going to give you the down low on the healthiest types of sugar and how to use them without going overboard. 

 Here are my top top five favorite sweeteners: 
1. Raw Honey 
2. Maple Syrup 
3. Coconut Sugar 
4. Stevia 
5. Monk Fruit 

* DISCLAIMER * Just because I've labeled these sweeteners as "healthy" doesn't mean that they won't impact blood sugar. If you are trying to lose weight, manage diabetes, or kick a sugar addiction, you need to use discernment or work with a practitioner when using all types of sugar. 


Pure, raw honey contains amino acids, electrolytes, antioxidants and antimicrobial compounds that help support the health of your body. There is also a lot of research that shows local, raw honey to be beneficial towards allergy treatment because the bees have used local pollen and it’s the pollen around you that is triggering allergies. Raw honey is my favorite sweetener and I use it on oatmeal, gluten-free cornbread, in tea, and homemade electrolyte drinks (think Gatorade but without the junky ingredients). 


Pure maple syrup contains up to 24 different antioxidants which can combat free radical damage and inflammation. My kids love maple syrup over our Sunday morning pancakes and it’s often a great sweetener for baking. I also use it in my homemade pumpkin-spice latte, If I make fancy coffee drinks at home I use maple syrup over honey because it's easier to mix. 


Coconut sugar is much lower on the glycemic index than regular sugar which helps you avoid the "crash" that can come after having a sweet treat. It's also high in nutrients and contains 16 vital amino acids. I use coconut sugar (also known as coconut palm sugar) as a 1:1 ratio substitute for sugar in baking recipes. I also use it in marinade or sauce recipes that call for brown sugar. 


Stevia actually comes from the leaf of a flowering plant! This is the #1 sweetener I recommend for anyone who is battling blood sugar issues, is diabetic, or trying to lose weight. It is no-calorie, all-natural, and doesn't contain carbohydrates or sugar, which means it doesn't raise insulin levels the way even raw honey and pure maple syrup do. A little bit goes a long way, so start with a small amount. 

I like using this liquid stevia because it mixes easily. Purchasing organic is important and I recommend looking for full, green leaf stevia or stevia extract. I like adding a couple drops in my fruit-free smoothies or chia seed pudding. It’s also a great transition product if you are switching from a sweetened coffee creamer. 


Monk fruit has been around in Asia for centuries and is just recently making its way to North America. It's 300 - 400 times the sweetness of cane sugar but has zero impact on blood sugar! Amazing, right?! The sweetness comes from a powerful antioxidant called mogrosides. 
I see monk fruit everywhere these days, from protein powders and bars to sweetened teas and even ice cream. Lakanto is my favorite brand of monkfruit and you can buy it in bulk at Costco and use it as a 1:1 substitute in baking. They also have a delicious hot chocolate mix that contains probiotics and I use their maple syrup on my Sunday morning pancakes. 


If you pick up a product and the nutrition facts label says it's low in carbohydrates and sugar yet it tastes sweet, I'm always alarmed. This is where reading ingredients is key! If you see monk fruit extract listed as the sweetener, I give my stamp of approval. Monkfruit also goes by the name lo han guo, and that’s often the ingredient I see listed on protein powder and protein bars. 


I’ve got a homework assignment for you: This week, go through your pantry, cupboards and refrigerator and do a quick clean-out of all your sugar and artificial sweeteners. Start fresh by buying some of the healthy sweeteners I mentioned above to replace them. Toss the Splenda, sucralose, aspartame, agave nectar, and anything that is labeled "diet". You can do better!