Eat These Foods to be Wonder Woman

As promised, we are continuing our strategies for creating a strong immune system. Before we dig in, I need to do my due diligence and mention how important gut health is. 

When I say gut health, I’m referring to the integrity of the bacteria in your gastrointestinal tract. The lining of your gut houses up to 70% of the cells that make up your immune system! Getting that bacteria healthy is one of the most important things you can do to keep your immune system strong. 
There are many things that can compromise gut health including food intolerances, stress, medication overuse, toxic overload, inadequate digestive enzymes, infections, and junk food. Working on your gut health and digestion is the best thing you can do to not get sick. 

 Now, on to food! I always begin with a food first approach to immune health. A common myth is that you can eat junk food and make up for it with supplements – wrong! Our bodies are designed to eat REAL FOOD. Here are my favorites to keep sickness at bay. 

  • LEMON: lemons contain lots of vitamin C and potassium! Start your day with the juice of half a lemon in warm water to load up on vitamin C first thing in the morning. I also love using fresh lemon juice on salads and squeezed over veggies after they’ve been roasted. 

  • GARLIC: eating garlic can boost the number of T-cells in your bloodstream that fight viruses. It also has anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties. Mince fresh garlic and add it to soups, sauces, and cook with vegetables. I love garlic and green beans together. 

  • GINGER: ginger helps strengthen your immune system and can provide a lot of relief if you do get sick. It increases circulation, which helps your body eliminate toxins and reduces fevers and soothes sore throats. You can cook with fresh ginger or add it to hot water with lemon for yummy tea. I also like adding ginger to smoothies and fresh-pressed green juice for a spicy kick. 

  • BONE BROTH: bone broth is a true superfood! It may sound intimidating, but making bone broth is really easy to make on your own. It’s also available to buy pre-made from most health food stores. 


  • APPLE CIDER VINEGAR SHOTS – this one is pretty hardcore but it’s so powerful! There are two approaches I use. The first is to add a tablespoon of ACV to a cup of warm water and sip it slowly. The second is to add a tablespoon with a little water and shoot it back in one sip. Both of these methods get the job done and it REALLY works! 

  • EPSOM SALT BATHS – I always love an excuse to recommend Epsom salt baths, from sore muscles to stress relief to detoxification and everything in between. If you are reading this right now you are probably a busy lady and could use permission to take 30 minutes for a little self-care. 

Instructions: Add 1 cup of Epsom salts to a warm bath and scrub your skin vigorously with a washcloth while you’re in the tub. Our skin is our biggest organ and stimulating it can help release toxins and flush out illness quickly. Try adding a few drops of lavender or eucalyptus essential oils to the tub as well. 

  • ESSENTIAL OILS – I use essential oils as part of our home and personal care routines. OnGuard is DoTerra’s blend for helping boost the immune system and aids the body in its natural fight against illness. I dilute it with fractionated coconut oil and apply topically when I have been around someone who is sick or feel as though I’m coming down with something. I also diffuse it in the kids rooms every single night from September – May. 

My last two tips are the least popular but reeeeeally important: avoid sugar and prioritize sleep! 

Sugar suppresses your immune system and damages good bacteria in your gut. 

Getting 7-8 hours of sleep is key to keeping your immune system fortified and allowing your body to restore itself if you do get sick. You absolutely cannot slack on sleep if you want to stay healthy! 

If you do get sick, Umcka Cold Care is my secret weapon. It claims to reduce the duration and severity of colds and our experience has been that IT WORKS. 

Hope this helps keep you focused on nourishment and self-care during this busy time of year.