Why I Love Chia Seeds!

Today I want to brighten your day by highlighting one of my favorite superfoods: chia seeds.

It seems like the message we get from society is that the only way to eat healthy is with "yes lists" and "no lists", and thinking about the foods you "can't eat" can begin to feel too restrictive, know what I mean?

I like to think about what we can "add" to our plate, the yummy food we "get" to eat, and looking for ways to incorporate all of the amazing nutrients found in real food into our daily & weekly meals.

One of the amazing side effects of focusing on how to nourish our body in the best way is that some of those not-so-healthy foods often get pushed off our plate without us even realizing!

So let's learn about chia seeds...

In the Mayan language, chia means "strength". These little seeds were known as "runners food" because they would sustain runners and warriors during long treks and battles. I'm not a present-day warrior, but sometimes the afternoon hustle with soccer practice and homework feels like a battle in itself, right? :)

Chia seeds are rich in fiber, omega-3's, protein, vitamins and minerals such as copper, zinc, phosphorous, potassium and calcium.

They are great for healthy skin and prevent signs of aging because they are PACKED full of antioxidants. Chia seeds support the digestive system because they are full of fiber and can help keep you regular, a key to balancing hormones and detoxification!

Chia seeds’ ability to reverse inflammation, regulate cholesterol and lower blood pressure make them awesome to consume for heart health. Because they’re full of fiber and healthy fats they naturally balance blood sugar which helps with weight loss.

When you pour chia seeds out of the bag you’ll see that they are hard little seeds. But, when you mix chia seeds with water or liquid they form a gel-like substance. This gel-forming action is due to the soluble fiber in chia seeds and it can work as a prebiotic, supporting the growth of probiotics in the gut.

You can buy chia seeds anywhere! I buy them in bulk at Costco but you can shop for them at Trader Joe's or any local grocery store. You can also purchase the brand I buy at Costco HERE.

Now that I've convinced you how awesome they are, you may be wondering how to work them into your diet. I've got you covered!

Here are my favorite ways to eat chia seeds:

·  SMOOTHIES. It's no secret I'm a big fan of smoothies. If you follow me on Instagram you may have caught on to the fact that I add a tablespoon or two of chia seeds to most of my smoothies. They thicken up the smoothie a bit (thanks to the gel-like quality they take on when being mixed with liquid) and are a great source of fiber. You don't even taste them!

·  CHIA SEED PUDDING. This is a great alternative to your morning yogurt if you've been trying to break the dairy habit. I also love it as a fat-fueled snack option to bridge a long gap between meals. There are hundreds of great chia seed pudding recipes online but be weary of the ones filled with honey and maple syrup. I have a recipe on my website HERE that uses a few drops of liquid stevia and then you can add 1/4 cup of berries to sweeten it up naturally.

·  OATMEAL. If you are an oatmeal lover, add a tablespoon or two of chia seeds to your morning bowl. This will increase the fiber and healthy-fat content, helping balance your blood sugar. You might want to add a bit more liquid since the chia seeds will soak up some of it.

·  BAKED GOODS. Anytime you bake, toss in a couple tablespoons of chia seeds! They won't be crunchy once they mix with the liquid in the recipe but they will really up the nutrient content of your muffins, pancakes, or even brownies. Most baked goods tend to be higher in refined carbohydrates and sugar, so adding more fiber and omega-3 fatty acids to the recipe can calm down that giant blood sugar spike. Again, you may need to add a bit more liquid to the recipe to achieve the same consistency.


This is one of my favorite chia seed pudding recipes! I became a big fan of matcha when I gave up coffee one summer and I love incorporating it into recipes.

Of course chia seeds are awesome on their own, but in this recipe I'm combining a few of the other superfoods as well.

You all know how obsessed I am with collagen! I put a scoop in my {decaf} coffee every morning and my skin is thanking me big time, along with my eyelashes and hair growth. Ancient Nutrition is my favorite brand and you can use the code LINDSAYLIVESWELL20 to save 20% off your order!

Matcha-Chia Pudding


· one can lite coconut milk or full fat coconut milk

· 2 teaspoons matcha

· 2 scoops collagen peptides

· 4 tbsp chia seeds

· 5 - 7 drops liquid stevia (optional)


1.    In a bowl, combine coconut milk, matcha, and collagen peptides. Whisk thoroughly until there are no visible clumps.

2.    Add chia seeds and stevia and mix again.

3.    Cover and refrigerate overnight.

4.    Once the pudding has set, distribute into 2-4 servings. Top with optional whipped coconut cream or berries.

Let me know if you give the recipe a try!

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