Why You Should Wildly Celebrate Every Bit Of Progress You Make!

Do you ever struggle with accepting yourself as you are while still maintaining the motivation to change? I sure do! It's quite the balancing act, practicing self-love and also honestly assessing the areas where you need to grow.

I see this a lot with  my weight loss clients and have felt the tension in my own health journey. So, how do you love yourself where you're at and still make progress? WILDLY CELEBRATE EVERY BIT OF PROGRESS YOU MAKE!

Let me give you this example.

When a baby is learning to talk, they don't begin by forming full words. They're babbling away and we're in their face making those funny sounds in a high-pitch tone that only comes out when there's a baby or puppy around (you know the voice!). We might be saying, "Can you say mama? Say mama!" and one day they begin to make an "Mmmmmm" sound.

And what do we do? We go nuts! We're jumping up and down, screaming, "You said mama!" Even though that cute little baby didn't actually say "mama", it was the beginning, and we celebrate like a crazy fool!

Do you know what this does? It encourages the baby to keep trying! They see you celebrating and feel your enthusiasm and they want more of that attention, so they keep working on that "Mmmmmm" sound. Every time you celebrate their success, they are motivated to keep making progress!

We are just like babies, really. We too get addicted to the feeling of excitement if our progress is celebrated. And we can use this to our advantage!

When you're working towards your health goals, don't wait until you cross the finish line to celebrate. Celebrate every bit of progress along the way! Celebrate the heck out of every pound lost, every workout finished, and every pant size dropped.

You too will get addicted to that celebratory feeling and train your brain to want more or it, reinforcing your positive behaviors!

If you want to change your body, you have to change your brain.

Mindset is so important when you're trying to develop new habits and improve your health. It's the missing piece in so many diet programs and meal plans and may be the reason you've tried things in the past and failed.

If you need help getting started with your health goals, don't forget I'm hosting a free 7-day challenge beginning on Monday!

Every day I'll be challenging you with a way to eat, a way to move, and a way to think. You'll learn how to eat delicious food and still lose weight, exercise effectively towards your goals, and shift your mindset to attain success.

I'll be going LIVE in our private Facebook group every night with powerful coaching sessions to help you jumpstart your goals so you can stop thinking about weight loss and actually achieve it once and for all.

CLICK HERE to apply for the free 7-day challenge. The info in the application will help me as I develop content for the program so I can actually help you achieve results over these 7 days.

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Check out my free guides and resources for additional information. As always please feel free to contact me with any questions, I would love to chat!