
Eat These Foods to be Wonder Woman

As promised, we are continuing our strategies for creating a strong immune system. Before we dig in, I need to do my due diligence and mention how important gut health is.

When I say gut health, I’m referring to the integrity of the bacteria in your gastrointestinal tract. The lining of your gut houses up to 70% of the cells that make up your immune system! Getting that bacteria healthy is one of the most important things you can do to keep your immune system strong.

The exact supplements I’m taking right now

This blog post has to come with a LOT of disclaimers! But it addresses a question I’m getting all the time, “What kinds of vitamin and supplements are you and your family taking right now to stay healthy?”

As far as we know, our family has not yet had the big C, so our supplement protocol is a combination of the vitamins we normally take at this time of year + preventative nutrients we are focusing on at the advice of our doctor.

The Benefits Of Bone Broth + Two Easy Ways To Make Bone Broth At Home

With the cooler weather we are entering one of my favorite times of the year – soup season! And with that comes one of the very best superfoods for your body: BONE BROTH! Quite possibly the most super of them all, yet easily overlooked and cast aside as "just soup". So sad.

Making bone broth was super intimidating to me when I first started learning about all of its benefits. May I remind you that it wasn’t that long ago I was awkward and uncertain in the kitchen, seriously lacking in cooking skills? But eventually I couldn't ignore bone broth’s perks. They outweighed my lack of confidence, and so I began making this delicious elixir at home.

Quickie Tips To Make Lunchtime Easier

I know we’ve been talking a LOT about meal planning lately and today I have a bite-size tip to help you utilize your time in the kitchen more efficiently so you can spend less time prepping healthy food and more time living your life.

I want to challenge you to think ahead and get a few, easy things knocked out during the time you spend in the kitchen, saving you from resorting to less-than-healthy choices later on due to being short on time.

Put a STOP to mindless snacking

Perfection is not the goal. Not everyone fits the mold of: ​
- ​planning 7 days worth of meals on Saturday
- ​doing hours of prep on Sunday afternoon
- ​and flawlessly executing said strategy throughout the week

​​That's not real life for most of us! What I hope to teach you is a system that you can tweak and adopt until you find your groove, and through that:

- ditch the "it's 5pm and I have no idea what we're eating for dinner" stress
- save money by not wasting food and eating out
- improve the health of your family by eating more meals prepared at home
- more easily reach your health goals

Why I Love Chia Seeds!

In the Mayan language, chia means "strength". These little seeds were known as "runners food" because they would sustain runners and warriors during long treks and battles. I'm not a present-day warrior, but sometimes the afternoon hustle with soccer practice and homework feels like a battle in itself, right? :)

Chia seeds are rich in fiber, omega-3's, protein, vitamins and minerals such as copper, zinc, phosphorous, potassium and calcium.

Eating Healthy On A Small Grocery Budget

Earlier this week I received an email from a dear friend, wondering if I had any tricks for eating healthy without it costing an insane amount. She said, "I'm finding it more difficult to keep the standards I want to keep and not having it cost an arm and a leg."

Can you relate to this?